Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sad Mario Greco is Sad - GDW Progress 1
First cue music:
Mario Greco is sad. Not because some prick ruined his day, not because his imaginary friend ditched him. It's because Mario has been lazy the past week and didn't get much homework done.
Okay three sentences in and I'm already sick of speaking in third person.
Basically I've had repressed thoughts creep up on me again, and prevented me from getting schoolwork accomplished the past week. It consisted of repetitive click motions on Facebook and Twitter, which likely has little impact on developing a healthy social life. Having Valentine's Day tomorrow which reminds me of my 20 year streak of being single doesn't help either. So guess what? Now I have to work my ass off this coming week, conserving my position in solitary confinement even more.
What might my schedule consist of? Hmm... Accounting assignment, Graphics PGM parser assignment, Game design Assignment, some business game pitch assignment, lots of books to read (despite me being a slow reader). Oh yeah of course, there's also my Game Development Workshop (GDW) game, which is an entire video game I have to create with five other classmates by the end of March. Apparently there's some looming milestone for it that's due soon that I'm not too aware of. Fantastic! Where is my GDW game at now?
It's just code. That's it. As you can tell, I am the lead coder of the game, and there's a ton of work still to do. I also need to be more on top of what my other group members have accomplished, making me a bad leader. So how could we have "nothing" accomplished when all game dev students were supposed to have a working game last semester?
It's because I left my old group (for reasons I don't want to state right now) for a new group that didn't have much material to begin with. So great, unlike other students we have to start from scratch, and making an entire game takes a long time; so it's not like one of those assignments that can be completed the night before it's due. It needs to be built over time. But given other incomplete assignments and stupid resurfaced thoughts, my progress has not been well recently. All my game can do right now is recognize mouse and keyboard functions, input sound, input textures, and switch between "2D mode" and "3D mode". That's it. Pathetic.
So here's my plan of getting my stuff done:
1) Accounting assignment (due Wednesday)
2) PGM assignment (due some time very soon)
3) Design Assignment (due next Monday)
4) GDW Milestone 2 (apparently due next week)
5) Business Game Pitch (due God knows when)
6) Read books, read lectures.
7) Study for midterms.
Oh yeah I forgot, midterms are coming in two weeks, and I have to sign up for them too. It's nice to have reading week next week, but we all know that reading week is also known as "catch the %$^& up week". I also plan to make two YouTube videos during that week, very important ones at that. You may be wondering why I'd put those two YouTube videos in the middle of schoolwork rush hour. It's because one has to deal with promoting the game that I've spent half a year developing on my spare time to people across the internet, to hopefully get my name out there in the game industry. The other one has to do with myself, why I'm eccentric, and often (yet unintentionally) reclusive. That video is meant for people who know me personally, as well as those in the game industry to understand who I am so that they won't be caught off guard by my true nature. Both videos are very important to me, and I need to complete them as soon as possible. However, with school and homework in the way, I feel like I'm trapped in some constant loop.
Anyway, that's my sad story. Give me all the sarcastic "boo hoo's" you want, because I know it's not the saddest story in the world, however it ticks me off, and I can't wait to have everything I want complete, to be complete. Everyone wish me luck, and now it's time to get things done. Thanks for reading! :)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Formal Critique: Pokemon HeartGold
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Pokemon HeartGold for Nintendo DS is a remake of Pokemon Gold for GameBoy Color. |
I love my "Pokemans". |
As I've said before, the game mechanics require the player to move the protagonist (can be male or female) in a four-directional fashion across a region of the Pokemon world. In Pokemon HeartGold, that region is called Johto. If the player stumbles upon a grassy area, a cave, or the player surfs on water, a wild Pokemon may appear and challenge the player. The player has three options; defeat it (it faints, they don't die [2]), capture it and add it to the player's team, or run away. Now of course, in order to capture other Pokemon and battle trainers in the first place, you need your starter Pokemon. In Pokemon HeartGold, your choice is between grass-type Chikorita (right), fire-type Cyndaquil (left), and water-type Totodile (center), as shown in the following picture:
I chose the fire-type Cyndaquil as my very first Pokemon. |
Pokemon Trainers |
As you can tell, there is a lot in Pokemon that keeps it fresh, interesting, and ultimately mysterious. Like The Legend of Zelda, the player can freely roam around, complete side-quests/activities that may not exactly tie in with the main story, and even stumble upon hidden areas. Such hidden areas may contain rare items, or even rare, legendary Pokemon. Additionally, back in the day of the original Red and Blue (Green in Japan) games, the creator snuck in an extra Pokemon called Mew that can only be acquired through trading, and through a programming "error".[3]
Mew is one of the rarest Pokemon in the game! |
Nintendo DS sports a touch screen that allows menu navigation to be a lot easier to use. |
The main aspect of Pokemon that make it unique and incredible compared to other RPGs is how well it integrates its social gaming aspect. Social games like FarmVille consist of having the player work toward growing crops and farming animals, to ultimately make money. In Pokemon, trainers train their Pokemon, earn money from defeating in-game trainers to purchase items that can be used to strengthen their Pokemon even more, and ultimately battle/trade Pokemon with real-life friends or even strangers over the internet. This creates a whole community of Pokemon players, allows people to make new friends, and/or strengthen the bond with current friends. This is why Nintendo releases two "versions" every generation (Each generation sports a new set of Pokemon); one version has some Pokemon that are unobtainable in the other version, and vice-versia. Other RPGs are usually one-player games that cannot communicate with other player's games, however Pokemon does, and that why I think the franchise is such a worldwide megahit - it brings the world together. Now all we need is a Pokemon massively multiplayer online (MMO) and Earth will gain the status "World Peace Achieved!" Okay maybe I'm being a little too idealistic here, but hey, anything that brings the world together is definitely something good.
FarmVille created by Zynga is Facebook's most popular game. |
What I think is truly essential to the Pokemon franchise is allowing it to take the next step. As I've stated before, Game Freak has been very conservative with the franchise. However I feel that bringing it into the realm of massively multiplayer online (MMO) is an essential step to the growth of Pokemon. Not only that, but improving the AI, both of the characters, and the game itself. With Pokemon HeartGold, the AI's difficulty is based on their Pokemon, essentially their level and statistics - not so much the trainer's intellect. If a trainer has a level 7 Pidgey, he won't be tough to beat. If a trainer has a level 88 Charizard, then he/she'll definitely be a tough cookie, especially how Pokemon of higher levels have a more complex move arsenal. However in my idea of a Pokemon MMO, the atmosphere will feel much like the anime cartoon. There will be no non-playable trainers, and the only AI would be the Pokemon and their many behaviors blended into one unique "personality" per Pokemon. Also rather than rely on Pokemon "levels" to track strength, Pokemon will have an internal stats system that is unknown to the player. This will prevent supernerds who lack "lives" from creating a team of Lv. 100 Arceus', giving everyone a chance to particpate and challenge other trainers in the world. Of course training Pokemon will allow them to be stronger, as their internal stats will improve. What I mean is that for example pitting a Blastoise against an Igglybuff will obviously give Blastoise the upper hand, however there is still a very slight chance that the Igglybuff can defeat him/her.
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Obviously Blastoise (left) would defeat an Igglybuff (right) with ease. However who's to say that the opposite could never happen? |
Anyway that's my critique on Pokemon HeartGold. I know that I expanded to the entire Pokemon series quite often throughout this post, however I think that it is essential for the series to keep its child-friendly charm, its theme of growing with your Pokemon team (among many other themes), the ability to trade/battle/associate with fellow trainers, and the mysteriousness and wonder of the Pokemon world. I think that there are many ways in which the series can evolve without impacting its original charm, and one of those prominent ways is to make it into an MMO. In fact, making it into an MMO will only improve the original aspects that Pokemon series holds - especially the social aspect.
Thank you everyone for reading!
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