Hello world, this is my first major blog post. I have one follower at the time of writing this post, so I'm hoping for that number to increase soon. I was expecting to make this post earlier in the month, but I had to complete a long to-do list at that time, which led me to post my first major blog post today.
I have recently completed my first year of university. In my first semester I took a course called Technical Communications. It is a course designed for engineers (despite being part of the faculty of education) to improve their writing skills, and to "write down as much information in the least amount of words as possible". As a final assignment for the course, we were to write a fictitious technical report (not essay, a report) on a topic of interest. Obviously being in a game development program, and having a life-long fascination with Nintendo, I chose to write it on none other.
First I was to write a "proposal", where I was to explain an idea of mine to "improve the company", but not come to a conclusion; I was expected to "ask the company to support my research so I can come to a conclusion". After the proposal, I would submit the "final conclusion" in the form of a final report. This way, I was forced to write down my idea, then refine it again, and again, and again. Eventually, my idea went from one common opinion, to something very thought out and unique. After submitting it (and receiving an A+) I decided to refine it even more, and submit it to real Nintendo.
I submitted it by mail during the beginning of my second semester. I placed it into a portfolio with my university's name embroiled on it, made it look professional, etc. To this day, I have not received a response from them. Afterward, I remembered what Ken Yeeloy (Next Level Games, led development team of Punch-Out!! for Wii) told me at MIGS 2009 (Montreal International Game Summit). I asked him how he found his way to work for Nintendo, and he told me "You don't find Nintendo, Nintendo finds you." So with that, I decided to try and expose myself on the internet through this blog, and my Youtube vlog (first video this Thursday May 27, 2010).
So here I am today, writing my first blog post. Here is the pdf version of my report that I sent to Nintendo in its exact words (minus my signature and contact information). I apologize for sending it through megaupload since I have not yet found a way to attach a file on my blog posts. Regardless, please don't modify or steal the idea, I just ask you to kindly spread the word of my blog and vlog, thank you!
I'll see you Thursday on my Youtube vlog,
Mario Greco
P.S. You can also follow me on Twitter at iMariouch!